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ART, an expression of creativity that can be manifested in many ways: music, visual arts, poetry, and filmmaking, just to name a few and is a FUN, fascinating and exciting way to be adventurous and to explore new possibilities. But art isn’t only good for the soul- it’s also good for the mind. The willingness to be open to new ideas develops creative thinking. It’s been linked to improving one’s ability to analyze and problem solve, helping to build a strong MENTAL foundation. That’s what makes art, in all forms, fundamental.

ARTist FUNdaMENTALs is a platform that connects the community through art education programs and provides training on basic business fundamentals to help support the independent artist community.

Nonprofit education organization with a mission to support and further local creativity by providing educational activities for school age youth and business training to local independent artists.

To provide young creatives an opportunity to develop their talent with exposure and access to professionals teaching advanced techniques and help local independent creatives in areas outside of their discipline (i.e. business operations, financials, marketing, mentorship, networking)


YOUTH JAZZ PROGRAM-START JAMMIN': Designed to promote creativity and a greater appreciation of jazz to preserve its rich history and culture.

This program is designed to engage any student with at least 1 – 2 years of music fundamentals, who understands the basics of his/her instrument and demonstrates the technical ability for more advanced musicianship. 

START JAMMIN' is designed to educate and inspire young musicians, using fun activities in a positive environment. The program is geared towards young students with basic music knowledge, who want to learn about jazz and jazz history while learning the basic fundamentals of improvising. Sessions will cover performance (e.g., ensemble playing, scales and chords, melodic interpretation) and non-performance activities (e.g., music theory, music business essentials, community outreach). 



Pursuing a career in performance art comes with all the challenges of being a self-employed/independent contractor. In addition to the creative process there needs to be a sound business operation to protect the artists' rights and provide for longevity and financial stability.

This program is designed for the local independent artist seeking to establish and maintain a solid career path.  AF offers artists assistance in the following areas: 

  • Business Operations - publishing, copyrights, master recording, royalties, mechanical licenses, DBA, etc. 

  • Financial - contracts, bookkeeping/expenses, inventory, taxes, hiring musicians and sound technicians, etc. 

  • Marketing - branding/brand partnerships, sales, community involvement/awareness. 

  • Mentorship - networking, apprenticeships, etc.

Classroom style instruction on business topics related to establishing and maintaining a performance art company. Participants attending classes are encouraged to give back and volunteer their time by teaching a class, in their particular arts discipline, as part of the ARTist FUNdaMENTALs youth program. Instructional classes will be offered monthly from September to May each year. 

In addition, we encourage business and/or social gatherings to network and connect local artists to business organizations who support the arts. If you are a business owner or community leader supporting local creatives and would like to partner with Artist Fundamentals,

contact us at 214-295-6115 or email fnichelson@msn.com.